the myth of shared meaning



Key to a healthy organisation, how are communication skills enhanced in your organisation through training and software?

How should organisations foster better internal communication?

Improving internal organisational communication is crucial for fostering collaboration, engagement, and a culture of belonging. Here are several ways organisations can foster better internal communication:

  1. Implement a variety of communication channels to cater to different needs and preferences. This may include email, instant messaging platforms, intranet portals, project management tools, and video conferencing. 
  2. Cultivate a culture of open communication where employees feel encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Encourage dialogue, active listening, and respectful discussion. 
  3. Regularly share updates and changes through company-wide emails, newsletters, team meetings, or digital communication tools, which helps reduce uncertainty. 
  4. Create opportunities for two-way communication where employees can provide feedback, ask questions, and share their perspectives. 
  5. Ensure that communication is clear, concise, and relevant. Avoid jargon and technical terms when communicating with a broader audience. Use visuals, bullet points, and summaries to make information easily digestible. 
  6. Encourage regular team meetings or stand-ups where team members can discuss progress, share updates, and seek solutions to problems. 
  7. Embrace digital communication, project management software, chat platforms, video conferencing tools, and document-sharing platforms to streamline communication and enhance the flow of information.
  8. While digital communication is essential, encourage face-to-face interaction when feasible. In-person meetings, team-building activities, or informal gatherings help build relationships, strengthen trust, and enhance relationship building.
  9. Offer communication training programs to employees at all levels. These programs can cover effective listening, conflict resolution, difficult conversations, giving and receiving feedback and virtual communication skills.